The Mission

I can't promise preschool perfection, but I can guarantee an honest desire to walk with God through the process!

Chart Our Progress from the Very Beginning

Monday, February 18, 2013

Vowel Tents

See!! Proof!!

We have added long vowel tents to our short vowel sticks.  True to "girl form", she is very strong in her reading and writing.  Memorization and "thinking" skills definitely fall under the "boy form" column in our house, and I will take this moment to mention that we switched this weeks verse to I Cor. 16:14.  I took for granted how easy it was for Brody to memorize verses! :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Let The Games Begin!

I feel I need to explain my lack of diligence in chronicling our latest preschool journey.  It's partially the result of "second child syndrome", and particularly the overshadowing of my research to put together 1st grade curriculum for our newest adventure in homeschooling.

Yes, we are following through with our plan to homeschool!  After much prayer, we have decided the current flow of society and education is not consistent with our values and beliefs of what makes up a successful student...even in the more concrete primary grades of the great-and-mighty classical movement!

I'm lucky to have found a school (classical at that!) that employs a more accurate educational philosophy and openly references their curriculum resources.  Now I just have to organize it into a sequence that will work for us...hence the lack of spare time to post preschool pictures.   I plan to get better at doing both, though...someday! :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013


We have been doing school!....Honest!!!  My New Year's resolution is to be better at proving it! :)

"N"octurnal Animals

Crown of "R"ighteousness


"B"aby Jesus in "B"ethlehem

Sorting "U"nderwear

s"U"n catchers

"U"mbrella Toss

"U"mbrella Counting

"Ch"ocolate "Ch"ip Cookies

"Ch"ocolate "Ch"ip "CH"

"P"umpkin Investigation

"P"umpkin "P"ainting

"P"eter Rabbit Food Observation

Sailing "P"aper Boats


"J"ewlery Sorting

"J"oshua and "J"ericho

"J"elly Bean "J"

Counting "J"elly Beans