The Mission

I can't promise preschool perfection, but I can guarantee an honest desire to walk with God through the process!

Chart Our Progress from the Very Beginning

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Get This Show On The Road...

Both Brody and I are sick of reviewing! Brody has moved beyond tackling simple letters/sounds and is now reading 3-4 letter words. We still do the 3 part drill with all our letters and we practice writing 3 letter words now on our house paper. I've also begun to reintroduce red words (the, from, to, said, etc.) to memorize. But our school time is really made up of calendar time (where we count and recite days/months), reading/writing words, and math (Saxon K).
Since we aren't doing anything new that I've created...I think I'm gonna clean up this blog and return it to it's original form as a one year program that works through individual letters/sounds. That way it's easier to navigate and I won't struggle every week to come up with new ideas that we don't actually end up using. :)
It's been a blast, and I'll continue to post pictures to the slideshow as I take them. Maybe someday I'll morph this blog to chronicle our journey through homeschooling with anecdotes and other resources, but for now...adieu!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Break

I'm tired and we're taking a break! There's nothing more to say about it! :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 5

I feel the need to confess...things have been crazy around here and we didn't quite finish last week's work! In fact, I forgot about letter i altogether! And, of course, this would happen to be the week that our friend, Audrey, would join us for preschool...sigh!
I went ahead and did Week 5 lesson plans as if we had done letter i, but I will be honest and admit that we will be throwing in poor little i with j and u this week. :) Click here for Week 5 or on the link at the bottom of the blog.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week 4 Under the Gun!!

Click here for Week 4 lesson plans...just in time for us to pack up the car and head to the beach! San Diego here we come!!