The Mission

I can't promise preschool perfection, but I can guarantee an honest desire to walk with God through the process!

Chart Our Progress from the Very Beginning

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 3 and Already Behind!!!

I had no problem writing the lesson plans for this week...just posting them to the web! :( Does anyone else get overwhelmed by nothing in particular or just me? So click here for Week 3 lesson plans or click on the "Year 2" link at the bottom of this blog.
I plan to have Week 4 posted before we leave for San Diego on Friday...fingers crossed! :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week 2

It's amazing to me what a difference a year makes! I'm most impressed with Brody's fine motor improvement. We are also LOVING Saxon K!
Exploring Color
Click here for the lesson plans for Week 2 or scroll to the bottom and click Year 2. I never expect there to be any comments, but feel free to post any questions or alternative ideas for this week in the comments section.

Monday, August 15, 2011


The teacher in me sends things a little over the top! Have a great first week!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Week One

Let the fun begin! If you used the lesson plans last year, you'll notice this year's layout is a little different. Hopefully it isn't too confusing. You might also notice that there are no longer seperate art and music/movement activities. I am using local resources (parks and rec, ymca, etc.) to give my kids more structured physical/ fine arts activities. I've also tucked away a few fun arts, songs, games within the remaining subjects. :)
Click here or on the link at the bottom of the blog under "Year 2" to download the lesson plans for Week One.


Part of what made us fall in love with the house we bought in Arizona was all the potential space. If you recall, last year our school area was a small corner of our kitchen/dining room. Now we have an entire "formal dining room" to turn into our classroom (because let's face it...there's nothing formal about us!). I am posting this picture of the current state of the room as motivation to actually accomplish the transformation I have envisioned by next week. Consider this the before and, fingers-crossed, I'll post the after sometime this weekend!