The Mission

I can't promise preschool perfection, but I can guarantee an honest desire to walk with God through the process!

Chart Our Progress from the Very Beginning

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Marshmallow Igloo
Ice Investigation
Measuring Ingredients to Make Bread
Ink Stamping
Investigating Insects

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Vowel Intensive

I don't think I've ever posted a video of the vowel intensive drill in the past...or if I did, I'm too lazy to go back and find it and post the link here.  Here is Taryn doing the vowel intensive drill this morning.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Let me start off by patting our backs for officially surviving to the 2nd Quarter.  Go us!!  Since this was the only letter Taryn knew before we started preschool, I had a feeling this would be a fun week.  We didn't get around to the tornado experiment because we were out of town, but we had a blast painting trees out of our hand prints. :)

Tree Art

The bark was the hardest part!

Writing our T's...sorry for taking the pic too soon!

Making Trains

We saw a Tyrannosaurus Rex on our vacation...technically before we started T, but still cool!

Monday, October 8, 2012

L and H

It's a short week for us since Brody has fall break.  Instead of starting a new letter, we're gonna spend some extra time practicing the letters we've already learned.
Here's a catch up on what we did for L and H...
Lion Counting

Harvest Sort

Ladybug Lifecycle
Harvest Art
Harvest Cornucopias
Lion Masks